Iyashi Zero Point Energy Wand

The Iyashi® Wand The Original Zero Point Energy Wand
The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand is one of the original, authentic zero point energy wands and the first full spectrum all-purpose holistic wellness tool. Take control of your life and well-being in your own hands. The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand can work for everything by realigning your body’s energetic systems allowing it to harmonize your entire body's bio-field.Why is Iyashi® the Best Zero Point Energy Wand?
The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand is the original full spectrum scalar and zero point energy wand. Encased in the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand stainless steel exterior is our BFIT Full Spectrum Infusion technology, mineral blend, and Iyashi® Ceramic technology and other proprietary technologies. The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand is a scientific scalar tool that has been calibrated to hold thousands of specific beneficial energy patterns, and is the only wand to incorporate Biometric Frequency Infusion Technology (BFIT). The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand is both an all-purpose and a high-precision wellness tool, making it the choice of doctors and alternative practitioners around the world.
The Original Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand has more harmonizing qualities that the body's bio-field responds to than any other energetic wellness tool out there. Providing over 18000+ energetic frequencies, the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand can help expedite your path to wellness. The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand emits energetic frequencies attuned to speed the harmonization of your energetic systems immediately.
Iyashi® has Broken the Zero Point Energy Wand Code
We hear amazing stories every day about our Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand and how it's making a difference in peoples' lives, providing them with much-needed energy and vitality. We have "Broken the Wand Code", and devised a unique formula and process through which we manufacture our wands, bio-ceramic energy technologies, and infuse our unique scalar and zero point tools with our BFIT (Biometric Frequency Infusion Technology) The BFIT frequencies attune to your personal circumstances and assist the body to return to homeostasis.What is a Full Spectrum Wand?
Full Spectrum technology gives the highest possible potential for harmonizing your energetic systems and is the cornerstone of our mandate to provide the highest possible outcome for everyone. Our full spectrum capability includes but is not exclusive to our unique Biometric Frequency Infusion Technology™. It infuses an extraordinary number of energy patterns, plus our own proprietary energy frequency formulas (over 18000 of them) that we have found are necessary for helping relieve the majority of conditions people may have. These energy patterns and bundles of frequency formulas also support your energy systems of chakras and meridians. Your energetic wellness will reflect your overall well-being.
Certain energy patterns will help you with particular issues. These are bundled together into formulas. The energy patterns that help with one issue may not work on another. A different formula is most always required. Most zero point energy wands only contain one of or a very limited number of these important energy patterns. Some even claiming to be zero point energy wands are not even zero point at all. They are inert.
Technology And Research
The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand is a scientific subtle energy tool that has been calibrated to hold thousands of specific beneficial energy patterns, in the form of frequency formula bundles and is the only wand to incorporate Biometric Frequency Infusion Technology (BFIT). This technology optimally synchronizes the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand with all beneficial energy patterns, with the body’s biofields innate blueprint, rather than just a few or no frequencies. Not only is this as beneficial as possible to the harmonization process and user of the wand, but it ensures all energetic frequencies targeted in the bio-field are symmetrically enhanced to a normalized state.

All Iyashi® products are put through a rigorous set of tests in order to ensure the technology is as refined as possible. The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand has been VibraScan 1100 and kinesiologically tested in order to determine the responsiveness between the energetic properties of the wand, and the human bio-field. A plethora of additional test methods have also been safely conducted on plants, consumables, and inanimate objects to document the attributes of the wand. Each Original Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand contains proprietary ingredients, in addition to other standard components. These ingredients enhance the Full Spectrum infusion, and have positive harmonizing, wellness-maintaining, and harmonizing qualities that realign your body’s energetic systems allowing it to activate and enhance the natural harmonization process of your bio-field.
BFIT, a Full Spectrum infusion technology, is the key behind the many years of success of the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand. The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand contains a proprietary blend of semi-precious minerals, bioceramics, and crystals - mixed to a specific ratio - to allow for the highest tier of energy response possible alongside our Full Spectrum infusion. We are proud to say that the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand is the best-selling wand in the modern world, and that we've been able to help improve thousands of peoples' lives and well being with our wand and other Iyashi energy products.
What is BFIT (Biometric Frequency Infusion Technology)
Full Spectrum technology (BFIT) can only be found in the Iyashi® wand. Without Full Spectrum technology, a wand can only be infused to target a highly specific range of frequencies. Biometric Full Spectrum Infusion was the inspiration that came from the realization of this limitation. The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand, since it is on a Full Spectrum range, is not limited to any one use. This is why the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand is considered by professionals as both a multi-purpose holistic wellness tool as well as a highly fine-tuned harmonization tool. The second benefit to Full Spectrum technology is the energetic potency it provides; the BFIT process by which we infuse the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand results in a stronger set of energetic properties.
Our proprietary Biometric Frequency Infusion Technology permanently infuses the Original Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand with beneficial vibrational frequencies which retrain the body's bio-field to clean and rejuvenate itself. Imagine you were fixing the fence in your yard and you hit your thumb with the hammer. Aside from the screaming pain, your thumb would swell and your thumbnail would be damaged. Your thumb immediately goes into shock, creating pain, and toxins start building from the inflammation in damaged tissues. The vibration of your thumb starts to drop, making efficient repair difficult as it moves out of phase-lock, its innate unity with the rest of the hand.
The Original Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand holds significant beneficial energy patterns that provide effective harmonizing benefits. In other words, the affected body parts bio-field resonates with the frequencies in the wand, restoring the bio-field to its innate self. I know it sounds far-fetched but the perfect analogy is two tuning forks. If you strike one and bring another one close to it, it will resonate and begin to ring just like the first fork.
Iyashi® Infusion and VibraScan 1100 Testing

VibraScan 1100 Testing
We have tested over three hundred separate zero point energy wands on the market, including different brands such as the "Amega Wand", "Auric Energy Wand", "Nano Wand", "Original Japanese Energy Wand", and many others. Many of these wands are claiming to be full spectrum wands, but our tests still show they are not. Wellness is our passion, and energy harmonization is our field of expertise; we pride ourselves in bringing you the most effective and most extensively researched energy harmonization technology on the market. Watch the VibraScan1100 video below to see how other wands compare to the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand.
The VibraScan 1100 is a device which measures the energy strength of alternative wellness products which deal with energy patterns. The VibraScan 1100 can determine the strength of a number of parameters in wellness products. Energetic output strength is a key component of any wellness tool, and without a high energetic output, there will be little effect on the issue for which the zero point energy wand is being used. The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand has the highest energetic output of any wand on the market to date, making it the most ideal wand in terms of overall effectiveness. Alongside our Full Spectrum technology, the Iyashi® research and development team has devised proprietary technology that will support and enhance the body’s bio-fields innate harmonization ability and encourage the return of vibrant well being.
Using Zero Point and Scalar Energy Tools
The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand is truly a versatile zero point and scalar energy tool. It literally can be used to help with any harmonization process and aid any part of the human bio-field. The key term to remember is phase lock. Everything is connected to the zero point framework on which everything is built. By being connected or phase-locked, the bio-field and its energy field has an innate efficiency and function that maintains a feeling of well-being. The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand brings everything within its range of influence back into its correct phase-locked state with the zero point field; this energy state is exactly where you want your body to function overall. Every piece of matter in existence has energy and energetic properties, and as a result, everything in existence is energetically connected in one way or another. Bringing your energy levels to their phase-lock state not only improves your body's bio-field, but it positively impacts the way you and objects & people around you interact on an energetic level.
The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand is an instrument of focus and direction for the innate energies that benefit the body. The thousands of beneficial energy patterns in the form of bundles of frequency formulas that have been infused in each wand by our proprietary BFIT process have been tested and verified to be within acceptable ranges to promote holistic wellness by our research and development team. Our expert team has perfected our formulas for their function and application.
The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand functions through moving the wand over an area of the bio-field that is affected. You can twirl or rotate the wand over reflex points on the feet. The manner in which the wand is moved dictates certain results (read how to wand by clicking here). We have supplied a chart in the chart section so you can actually wand all sorts of your organs bio-fields by using it. To create the energy transference device that creates the vortex, the wand must move or rotate. The process of harmonization requires movement from the wand.
How To Use The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand
The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand is a tool which anyone can use, regardless of your level of expertise. The most simple and common wanding technique involves waving or circling the wand around any area which your energy field in need of repair, with distance varying anywhere between touching the skin to being an inch to two inches from the body. Further basic techniques include poking the wand repeatedly on or around a desired target-point, or simply wearing the wand close-by.
Step 1. Find out what you are wanding.; first ask:
1. Where does it hurt?
2. How did it start?
3. How long has it hurt?
Longer term and deeper issues generally takes longer to wand away, but sometimes results can be had quickly. Chronic issues tend to respond positively, but needs repeated wanding over days or weeks for best results.
Circling. Rotate your wanding hand in a clockwise direction. Hold wand tip about one inch from the skin. Three – four rotations per second is a good frequency for most people. For older people with weaker energy, you may want to begin slower starting at 1-2 rotations per second. Older people may respond slower as their bodies are usually of a higher toxicity level.

Dipping. This is an “in-out” motion of approximately 3 inches with the wand tip coming close to the skin surface. It creates an energy wave penetrating deep into the body's bio-field. Dipping works well for deep issues and has a rejuvenating effects .

Circle dip. A combination of circling and dipping usually with 3-4 circles, followed by 1-2 dips.

Crosshatching. This is a simple back and forth motion with alternating directions. Up and down for ten seconds followed by back and forth for ten seconds and so on. This action tends to loosen up and allow for drainage of toxins. Always follow with circling to finish.

Directional dipping. This is a swooping motion in the direction of energy flow.

Tip-tappingGently tapping the area with the wand tip in a rapid manner will help people who are energy-deprived and toxic due to working in office buildings, using cell phones, or being exposed to unhealthy environments. Wanding a glass of water in a circular motion and drinking the water will aid in the cleansing process, as internal water molecules listen more effectively to the wand energy. When wanding a glass of water, contact between the wand and the water is not necessary and no more effective than circularly wanding above and around the water.

Sidebrushing. Using the side of the wand to gently brush the skin back and forth.

Quality And Value Of The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand
The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand is infused in Canada, and each wand is inspected to meet the high Iyashi® standards before being packaged and shipped. The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand meets our company's Triple-A standard for wand excellence: the materials within the wand hold energetic properties permanently. Unlike other wands, the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand is also infused with a Full Spectrum frequency package, using Biometric Frequency Infusion Technology. The leading competitor’s wands tend to incorporate materials which emit some frequencies at particular ends of the energetic frequency spectrum, which is a now old and limited approach to wand manufacturing and performance.
Compare Zero Point Energy Wands
Iyashi® Wand | Amega Wand | Other ZPE wands | |
Real Infusion Technology | ✔ | ✔ | ✘ |
Independently Tested | ✔ | ✔ | ✘ |
First Published Wanding Guide | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ |
Infused in | Canada | Singapore | None/China |
Full Spectrum of Energy Patterns | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ |
Return Policy | 30 days ( New or Used ) | 30 days ( New condition only ) | ✘ |
Warranty / Product Guarantee | 1 Year Limited Warranty | ✘ | ✘ |
Cost | $139.95 USD | $149-$669 | $20-$250 |
Chakra Energy Pattern Coverage (VibraScan tested) | Full 1-9 Chakras | Medium 1-4 Chakras | Small 1-2 Chakras |
Individually Tested and Certified | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ |
One Wand That Does it all | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ |
Years in Business | 10+ Years | 10+ years | Varies |
Quality and value are wrapped up in one ultimate package. The Iyashi® Full Spectrum technology which is infused into the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand cuts out the possibility of producing imbalances of energy patterns which could happen by using a wand which is specific to only one or two frequencies. It has been shown that incoherencies in the energy field happen in either the high or low end of the energy spectrum due to emotional trauma. By only addressing limited frequencies, harmonization is virtually impossible. The Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand contains a proprietary blend of semi-precious minerals, bio-ceramics, and crystals - mixed to a specific ratio - to allow for the highest tier of energy response possible alongside our Full Spectrum BFIT infusion.
As with all Iyashi® products, the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand comes with a fully comprehensive product guarantee. We also provide a 30-day money back guarantee policy; if you are not happy with your wand, just send it back and we will refund the cost of your wand in full. We guarantee all wands are shipped free of defects, and we offer a 1-week no questions asked replacement period if you find that your wand has been scuffed, dented, or damaged.
Iyashi® Source products are some of the most highly regarded in the industry and because of that we receive hundreds of positive testimonials. Below are real testimonials from real people that include Doctors, health professionals and many others.One is friend 83 years old and getting better, his right hand after the first session with one of the Iyashi wands was more comfortable than it had been in 30 years. The second session with both wands has kept both his hands and thumbs doing 30% better between sessions.I only have been giving him a session once a week for the last 2 weeks. Another friend is 65, on a liquid chemical program. In spite of that his hands are comfortable for the first time in a couple of years and he is tolerating his chemical program very well. He gets sessions 3 times a week and has had the sessions with the Iyashi wand the last 2 weeks, when these significant changes have happened.. The other friend is 80, and doing very well. Her ear itching and aching has improved 90% in the last 2 weeks with 3 sessions a week. We are all experiencing much faster and more effective results since using the Iyashi Wands. I have them pinned to my shirt all day long and sleep with them pointed to my head. I can feel an overall balancing I have not had before form above my head all the way down to my feet. My dreams are much clearer and easy to remember now.
I sprained my back at the residential home this Sunday and then came home and took care of the horses and moved/stacked 8 bales of hay, oops, 2 days ago. I have just now taken the time to wand the sprained area, and it is comfortable. It was a ten on the discomfort level before I did the wanding.
I will be wanding things in the future much sooner. I am so glad Paige told me about the Iyashi wands and Pamela thank you millions for all you have done and are doing. I am getting the info out on these wands as fast as possible. They sure can make a significant difference for the better. Especially since they are so amazingly affordable!
Nancy F.
I have bought several health tools from IyashiSource.com or allied websites.
Each item bought has built trust in their products to take the leap to buy another.
First, the Iyashi Wand works profoundly better than the cheap imitation I had been using. The Iyashi Wand is much more effective and with much less effort than other wands. I had a few cuts on my hands that were not healing no matter what I tried. I am happy to say those difficult to heal cuts that lingered for weeks healed in a few days. It also eliminated a pain of 40 years in the left shoulder from a motorcycle accident when I broke my collarbone; the pain disappeared after wanding twice a day for about a week.
Second, I bought the full Itsu Sync set with pro headphones. I never spent more than $20 before on headphones in my life! Nevertheless, I had a nagging feeling I needed the full Itsu Sync program. Itsu Sync offered what I needed as a 63 year old studying for an accounting degree at an online university while taking care of my Mom at home. She has dementia. I wondered, am I going the same route as her? Itsu Sync is actually less expensive than its many competitors. Well, after about a week I notice clearer thinking, etter memory, and sounder sleep. Somehow I believe it also healed lingering effects from a severe concussion received in a car accident 12 years ago. I haven't missed a 15 minute session since I started it 3 weeks ago. I love the music! I think I am addicted to it - but not really, I just want to keep it up.
Next, I bought the blue Iyashi Bracelet. I have tried but never bought other ceramic/crystal beads that cost $300 or more that are worn around the neck. The Iyashi Bracelet is simply better. I feel the joy of using it like no other. I believe I need to get use to it as the detoxing can be quite strong. First day 4 hours then add 2 hours every day until I can wear it all day. I am usually sensitive to energies so this is not unusual for me.
Today, I ordered the Cerra Water pitcher with extra filters. Having read Dr. Batmanghelidj's book, Your Body's Many Cries for Water, I know how important water is to the body. Itsu sells great stuff but also demonstrates integrity that is all too rare these days because their products have done what they say it does and does it exceptionally well.
by Suzanne
by Gai Lawson
by Diane Sanders
by Ellen Roos
by Cheryl D
by Franchesca R
by suzanne
by Naomi L
by Audrey Young
My husband and I have tried many things, to improve our health, and my husband found your site. We both thought the man speaking on the video seemed genuine, and that your products were at least worth a try, particularly as they come with a money back guarantee. So my husband ordered a scalar pendant for himself, which he has been wearing since, and an Iyashi wand (we prefer to call it a pen), which he keeps in his shirt pocket a lot of the time (when he wears a shirt with a pocket).
Well, here is the interesting thing! My husband must've read something about it because he started waving the pen around his plate of food, in clockwise circles for a while (30 seconds to a minute? I'm not so sure in judging the times), and commented that it made it taste better. I thought give it to me! I want to try it!!
You have to understand that my husband and I are on the opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to tasting food. For example, my husband has not known if it's beef or lamb, etc. He just says something is 'good' or 'not good' in taste. He has NOT been one to notice tastes. For example, if I said, "Does it need salt?" He'd say, "I don't know". He just really has been the Opposite of a foodie.
I, however, have been the other way, adding just the right amount of salt to my plate, or flavouring when I am cooking, etc, etc. My brother was a chef and told me about a 'super taster' test you can do. Well, it turns out, I am a 'super taster' - which means I can taste more flavours, etc, in foods that the general population can. I am very sensitive to tastes, whereas my husband has not been.
So I started waving the pen around my breakfast plate, in the same way. We have pretty much the same exact breakfast nearly every morning -scrambled eggs and salad and toast / potatoes. I was very surprised that it did taste better after waving this pen around it! It tasted more tasty, with a more 'deeper' flavour - even the cut up cos lettuce tasted better (which I don't particularly love the taste of, but I eat for the health benefits).
Now I have no idea how this happens, and I really would not imagine this, I would just be able to taste it if it tasted exactly the same as usual. The interesting this to me is that both of us noticed a change in the taste of our food. I continued to do it just because I wanted and appreciated my breakfast tasting better! In fact, with the busy-ness of life with my young children, I somehow forgot to and didn't keep it up, and it's just in writing to tell you about this that I am now reminded that I want to do it again! Just so my breakkie tastes better!
Also, I do seem to notice my husband has been improved since receiving and wearing his pendant and pen. It's been about 3-4 months now I think. He has been able to go out more each week, or at night, and just has seemed to be able to cope in life better. So, I have asked him to order me a pendant, too, so I can try it out. I want to notice some benefits in my life, too.
So we are going to order another scalar pendant, and some Iyashi emf protection blocks to put near each of our two computers. We spend a bit of time at the computer so I want to protect ourselves and our children from EMFs.
God bless you and also guide you.
by Anne from Australia
by Anna Walser
by Anna S
Folks, Please go the the website and help yourself to GOOD!
by James K. W
by Joseph B
by Shari Butler
by Farida
by Rose Gawlak
by Donal
by Heather B
by Carol S
by Dawn Cline
by Marieke T
by Lindy K
by Stephen F
2 Iyashi Pendants
1 Iyashi Wand
1 Knee wrap
1 Elbow wrap
I heard through a friend, that these were excellent Energetic Products. Zero-Point Energy..was most fascinating to me. So I decided to buy all of the above. I began to feel to blissful. Centered..being more present with ease. Great Clarity. There was a powerful opening, piercing sensation in front of my Heart Chakra. It was so powerful that I knew the pendant and wand+ chakra stone cleared much in that area. I felf so peaceful..enlightened. Zero-Point Energy can rapidly energize the human electromagnetic field and body (as well as all other organic matter) to promote health. The ample supply of vital energy made available to the organism in this manner induces a state of homeostasis, or balance. This is what triggers the natural self-healing mechanism of each individual to produce the changes necessary for cellular and/or energetic repair and improvement. My friends were asking questions about my having peaceful strong high vibrations. Now they all use these products in our weekly meditation class. With the pendants I am experiencing and clearing Parallel Lifetimes in my dreamstate and throughout the day. The wand is excellent for a powerful lazer like zero-point and far infrared energy+ Infused frequencies. My 3 Chakra stones are amazing. My cat so enjoys sleeping on them, and on her back. She is cherished loved by all who see her. She has evolved being with these products everyday. The chakra stones are extra good when they are heated up, to clear my meridians..and chakras. They release powerful negative Ions. Zero-Point energy is pure energy, un-polarized, who we are naturally before being born. The pendants and wand, and chakra stones continously keep on clearing, clearing, letting go. Powerul shifting comes with this clearing. Love it. Finally the elbow and knee wrap are so special to me. Having several injuries. One day i'm wearing them, and about 40 minutes later, I feel lots of good beneficial heat in my elbow and knee. Wow..that went on for awhile. The wraps have magnets and tourmaline..and beneficial energies..to heal, balance. They greatly healed my injuries, with less pain. Powerful and Effective.
With the Pendant I'm in Soulful Smiling Mode more than ever. Deeply. Creating unexpected random acts of goodness. Clearing up energies of Karmic Patterns, Vows, Contracts, Agreements. As well with the chakra stone and the Wand. I definitely have alot more Intuition Now. It's helping me connect to my higher self, alot better. My I Am Presence. It brings so much energy to drinks and food. These wonderful products clear process release much negative energy patterns. I know a have a much higher consciousness with the assistance of the great products.
Powerful Shifts
Vibrational Lifts
Sincerely, Claude
I woke up in the middle of the night ( my head was pointed towards the Wand ) with closed eyes I could see a very orange/yellow energy and strongly felt it penetrating my head. At this point I diddn't think of the wand as I had rare experiences like this before ( after what you could call energy sessions ) but the colour was different. After a while of feeling this strong energy I turned around ( with my back facing the wand ) and this is when I realized that this energy power came from the wand as I could feel such a strong energy wall building up behind me ( the full length of my body 6"1) , it was just unbelievable. The intensity of the energy was so strong that i literally felt as my body would be pushed away. I can't remember for how long this went on and how long it took to get back to sleep but I'll never forget the intensity.... this super strong energy wall. Anyway I can only suggest to anyone to use it but not to forget that we always need a holistic approach , so you're food has to be right and also we always have to work on our thoughts.
Many Thanks
by Maurice, London UK
1.. Our dog has suffered from GERD (reflux) for about 18 months. We have treated with a number of things and had some improvement, but no cure. After using the Iyashi wand on his food and opening his chakras for about 3 days, I noticed that he no longer had reflux. He was also calmer and more relaxed. Maybe this is because he no longer has reflux, or it is the positive benefits of the Wand or it is both. He has always been a dog with so much emotional energy that more than one vet suggested tranquilizers. We love that our dog can experience a calmer and more peaceful existence. Thank you.
2. Now ME: I have suffered from disabling night sweats and loss of sleep for about 18 months. About 18 months ago, my physician insisted that I try to wean from my 19 years use of HRT. I did try, but had disabling night sweats every hour or 90 minutes. Even when I went back on my prior dose of HRT, I experienced 2 – 3 sweats during the night with accompanying loss of sleep. I tried natural remedies and nothing controlled the symptoms. I was exposed to Zero Wand Energy by my acupuncturist and that very night had no sweats and slept all night. This brief exposure created a change that lasted for 4 nights.
Once our Iyashi Wand and pendant were available for our use, I again slept without waking and without disabling night sweats. Unbelievable!!! I will again wean from the potentially harmful HRT now that I know I can control symptoms with the Iyashi wand and pendant.
Also, I had a swollen painful arthritic finger. Notice that I used the past tense. The finger was so bad that others suggested I had injured it or had a bad bug bite. I don’t think so. After treatment, my finger is not swollen and does not hurt. My knuckle continues slightly enlarged, – but I have only had 8 days to treat. Other would not even know it was arthritic by looking at it.
I had dark circles under one eye so bad that my husband suggested I looked like someone had hit me. I wanded that eye and cheek. When I looked in the mirror, that side of my face looked 10 years younger. I then wanded the other side of my face with similar results. My son-in-law said “I don’t know if you got a hair cut or what, but you looks relaxed and good.”
Finally, I treated some bruises caused by bumping my hands and they disappeared within 24 hours of treatment. AMAZING. While I have had some decrease in my compulsive eating, I would love to know more about how people are able to use the wand and pendant to decrease appetite and compulsive eating and experience weight loss.
3: My husband: He has suffered from a sore foot for weeks. He could hardly stand it. I had been treating with energy stacking Jin Shin Jyutsu with some relief. After treating his foot with the Iyashi wand for 3 days, the pain is gone!! Also gone is his chronic pain in his knee and shin. Amazing!! He wears his pendant and has noticed increase in energy. A friend ordered the Amega wand and she loaned us the wand to compare. The Iyashi wand worked better for my husband that did the Amega wand. We are very pleased with our Iyashi wand and pendant. We would be happy to discuss our experience with others and you may post as much of this testimonial as you wish.
by Sylvia A. McSkimming, PhD, RN
;by Marci Van Ausdall Lavender Dreams Farm & Donkey Rescue
by Dr. Allen
by Stephanie Rorie
by Dr.Philip Marquez
by Mark J Portincasa HHP
• My wife and I use the wand on ourselves for health maintenance and anti-aging, stress management, body detoxification, improving immunity and increasing vitality–currently, there being no chronic ailment in the family.
• On others, we have used the wand in conjunction with Reiki to treat chronic conditions ranging from:
-osteoporosis of the back ( a fifty years old person having the spine of a seventy five years old person) for healing and pain management;
-rheumatoid arthritis to deal with pain and joint swelling;
-anxiety (trauma-related during child birth) for restoring harmony and balance;
-chronic skin condition (eight months) comprising rash across the body and puslike infestation on the souls of the feet (with the medical community diagnosing it variously: one type of fungus, two types of eczema, allergies, dependent upon the specialist) to control itching and for stress management, restoring normalcy; chronic fatigue syndrome and foot disorder associated with multiple foot operations (recently) for pain and stress management. During this period, we encouraged the clients to use the Iyashi Wand and report their observations. We found the wand to be effective and a useful tool in medical condition management.
Additionally, as a Reiki Master, and being innovative by nature, I have also devised a method of using the Iyashi Wand effectively in long distance treatments and the receiving clients described the treatment sessions as “intense”.
by Reiki Masters Vera & Pesi Shroff
1:My 84 year old mother in law was complaining of severe hip and knee pain recently. Usually, because I am a massage therapist, I would perform manual tissue manipulation to alleviate the issue, causing considerable discomfort in the process. Instead, I loaned her a wand and instructed her as to its use, including the proper reflexology points to address. I checked 6 hours later and she was astonished that she was pain-free! She wouldn't let me have the wand back, and two of her friends called and wanted one the next day.
2:I was working with a client today who has had TMJ for over 20 years. I slid the wand into the finger of a rubber glove and placed it in the inside of her mouth at the TM joint area, and within minutes her jaw began to release. She was thrilled! So was I! She will soon own have her own wand.
I have had TREMENDOUS personal positive benefits with the wand in assisting the healing of a recent injury as a result of falling off of a ladder. I am a massage therapist, and use the wand daily in my treatment work! My clients love it. Thanks!
by Fred Engel, LMT
by Joel Quinn Antinazi
by Brett
Two weeks ago I was working at guest services at my church. I was talking to the secretary and she had mentioned one of the men who was scheduled to go into El Salvador on a mission trip Dan, had torn his meniscus in his right knee. He wasn’t sure he could attend the trip. I called him right then and shared with him about the Iyashi wand. I told him I would go to his home and wand him, he was actually on his way to church. When he arrived I met with him and his wife in our prayer room. They were both very skeptical and had this look on their faces like how could this wand help this injury??? Dan was experiencing a 7 pain level with the injury. I proceeded to wand the chakras 3 times, then wand his knee for about two minutes. I asked him to open his eyes and give me feedback. he couldn’t say anything, his wife asked him if he noticed a difference…he was astonished at the knee pain, gone. He tried to bend the knee and was surprised there was no pain while bending. After service I noticed he was a little stiff so I gave him the wand to wand himself while I retrieved my car. Upon returning he was again amazed at the difference in his knee after another wanding.
by Mya Wright ~ Health Advocate
by Ken
by Cindy W/Australia
by Denise
by Connie
by Karen
by Manuela
by Helga Campbell, South Australia
by Doris
by Barb
by Beverley Blades
by Jordan
by Sam B
by George
by Amy
by Bruce Butler
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are zero-point energy wands?
A: Zero-point energy wands are instruments that look like a pen that act as a scalar energy transference device to help restore ones energetic system.
Q: Why are they called “zero point energy” wands?
A: The zero point energy is the original source state in your energetic systems. While the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wands energy travels using scalar energy waves it restores your energetic systems to the original “zero point state” bringing that area of your energy system back into perfect alignment.
Q: Why is it in the shape or a pen?
A: This shape helps target and direct the energy into almost a laser like point coming out of the tip of the wand. This laser like targeting is very effective for targeting specific energy blockages in your zero point field and restoring them to their natural state.
Q: What does Iyashi® mean?
A: Iyashi is a Japanese word which means to heal, to balance body mind and spirit. It is in the spirit of Iyashi that the Iyashi Wand was designed.
Q: What is the difference between an Iyashi® full spectrum wand and other wands?
A: The Iyashi® Full Spectrum Wand has the largest range of vibrational frequencies which allows it to bring all of your body back into phase lock reconnecting it to source. Other wands infused with a smaller frequency range can work on some things but not others.
Q: Do zero-point energy wands protect me against EMFs?
A: Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand provide some moderate EMF protection which comes from the B.F.I.T. and scalar energy. EMF protection is not a zero point energy wands first purpose and we suggest using them as a secondary protection method along with a product designed specifically for EMF protection such as our Iyashi® EMF Protection Stones.
Q: How long will my Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand last?
A: Your Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand should last a life time as long as you avoid damaging it.
Q: Can there be too much energy in a wand which could have a negative effect on my body's bio-field?
A: No, your body's bio-field has a innate ability to use only the frequencies it needs and ignore the others.
Q: How long will the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand take to work?
A: Some people may notice results instantly some may take 30 minutes or even multiple wanding sessions before they notice the effects the wand is having on them. This is because everyone’s different and the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand works on a person’s entire bio-field balancing it out which varies from person to person. If your energy is really blocked it may take a while to work and it is possible that you run out of patience before the wand is able to break up enough of the blockages for you to feel better.
Q: I can’t feel anything when I hold the wand. Is it faulty?
A: No, the wand is not faulty. Every wand is tested and certified to work before it leaves our testing facility. A large portion of the population is not sensitive enough to feel subtle energy so may not be able to feel the energy coming from the Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand. The wand will still work even if you don’t feel anything happening. The human energy system reacts to energy regardless. If your energy is really blocked it may take a while to work and it is possible that you run out of patience before the wand is able to break up enough of the blockages for you to feel better.
Q: Do I have to wand in clockwise circles or is there other ways I can use the wand effectively?
A: We have designed a wanding booklet and some additional effective wanding techniques located on in Guides and Manauls section.
Q: Can I give my Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand to anyone to use?
A: We do not recommend that you loan your wand to anyone. The wand is a fine scientific zero point tool that will energetically ‘tune’ to its owner.
Q: Can I use my Iyashi® Zero Point Energy Wand on others?
A: If you are doing the wanding, then yes you can use it on others. The more you use your wand on yourself and others the stronger it can become as it energetically “tunes” with its owner.