How Much EMF Protection Do I Need?
How much EMF protection you need depends on a variety of factors including the strength, type and length of exposure to the electromagnetic radiation. You will need more protection as any of these factors increase. To help you figure out how much EMF protection you need we have provided our recommendations for the main different types of EMF environments.
For more guidelines on "How much Iyashi® EMF Protection do you need?" please see the Learn More sectionHow many Shieldite EMF Protection Stones Do I need?
Every Day EMF Protection
Every EMF Protection is when you are out and about and not staying in any particular high EMF environment for extended periods of time. In situations like this you encounter a larger variety of different types and strengths of EMF’s but do not experience long exposure to any of them. Situations like this include;
- Short bus trips or car rides
- At a store or restaurant
- Walking around town etc.
Recommendation:Shieldite® EMF Protection Pendant or Shieldite® EMF Protection Tumbled Stones + Iyashi® Scalar Energy Bracelet or Iyashi® Scalar Energy Pendant for additional protection
Optional: Grounding plug to easily ground your Shieldite® EMF Protection products
This combination of products harnesses the effective transmuting properties of Shieldite® EMF Protection stones along with bio-field strengthening provided by Iyashi® Scalar Energy Bracelets and/or Scalar Energy Pendants. These different EMF protection methods are designed to work synergistically together providing the best personal EMF protection. We recommend this as the essential base for protecting yourself against EMFs.
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Cell Phone EMF Protection
Cell phones can produce some of the strongest EMF exposure but typically this is only when the cell phone is transmitting so while the EMF exposure is very high is usually is for a short period of time. Cell Phone EMF Protection should be when using using the following types of devices;
- Cell Phones (all brands)
- Wireless Home Phones
- Walkie Talkies etc.
Recommendations: Shieldite® EMF Cell Phone Protector + Shieldite® EMF Protection Pendant + Iyashi® Scalar Energy Bracelet or Iyashi® Scalar Energy Pendant
Optional: Grounding plug for easy grounding of Shieldite® EMF Protection products
This combination uses the same base EMF protection as “Every Day EMF Protection” but adds an additional Shieldite® EMF cell phone protector attached directly to your cell phone (or cell phone case) as Shieldite® EMF Protectors is most effective when closer to the source of the EMF and helps reduce the harmful EMF effects next to your head.
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At the Office or Home
When at the home or office you usually have computers, televisions, wifi and various other EMF producing electronics around. Even though some of these electronics may not produce the strongest types of EMFs you typically experience a very long duration of exposure caused by being near them for extended periods of time. Situations like this include;
- Working on the computer (at home or at the office)
- Most office or work place environments that have lots of electronics around.
- Living room with electronics such as TVs, video game systems etc.
- Bedrooms in close vicinity to any electronics or wifi.
- Home “wall hotspots” typically where there is lots of wiring or circuit breakers.
Recommendations: Shieldite® EMF Protection Pendant + Iyashi® Scalar Energy Bracelet or Iyashi® Scalar Energy Pendant with additional small to medium Shieldite® EMF Protection stones (tumbled stones, small pyramids or cubes) placed next to electronic devices.
Optional: Grounding plug to keep Shieldite® EMF Protection stones to keep them continuously grounded.
This combination of EMF protection devices incorporates the base “Every Day EMF Protection” along with placing appropriately sized Shieldite® EMF Protection pieces near the electronics around your house the produce the strongest EMFs. This is especially effective indoors as Shieldite® EMF Protectors absorb the positive ions these electronics produce and which would normally accumulate increase the negative effects of the EMFs. The size of the pieces used should be based on the amount and strength of the EMFs the electronics produce. If there is a small number of electronics you may only need to place a small Shieldite® EMF Protection stones near them compared to if you have a larger volume or strong electronics in one area you will want to use medium sized pieces. Placing Shieldite® EMF Protection stones near your electronics also helps make a lower EMF environment for everyone in the area.
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High EMF Situations
High EMF situations are situations beyond what has been previously described with the strongest EMF offenders which are in close vicinity to you for prolonged periods of time. Situations like this include;
- Cell towers near the home
- 4G & 5G towers and devices
- Smart meters against adjacent walls near common areas
- Airplane trips
- Long car rides
- Being next to a wifi router
- Most EMFs if you already experience EMF sensitivity
Recommendations: Shieldite® EMF Protection Pendant + Iyashi® Scalar Energy Bracelet or Iyashi® Scalar Energy Pendant with additional large Shieldite® EMF Protection stones (large cubes or bricks) placed next to the electronic devices preferably kept permanently grounded.
When you are near the strongest EMFs for extended periods of time you need to use the largest pieces of Shieldite® EMF Protection stones to provide sufficient protection. Many who are EMF sensitive became EMF sensitive due to already being in high EMF environments which is why they also need this additional protection. The largest Shieldite® EMF Protection stones protect the largest area and due to their sheer volume can fully handle transmuting even the strongest EMFs. We high recommend keeping the large pieces grounded so they are always working at peek performance.
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All EMF situations are unique and there is no exact formula to provide the perfect amount of EMF protection. We suggest you try to assess your environment and see what situation you closest fall into. Making a list of the different types of EMF sources in your common areas can help you figure out how much EMF exposure you are really experiencing. You can always contact us for our expert recommendations.
EMF Sensitivity
Some people are very sensitive to EMFs and notice the adverse effects as soon as they enter any electromagnetic field. This is usually because of a combination of factors including their natural body make up and/or having a weakened immune system. Anyone who is naturally EMF sensitive should always use a combination of Shieldite® EMF Protection products and Iyashi® Scalar Energy products for the best results. Also if you have had serious health conditions or a weaker immune system you are also more susceptible to EMFs and should also be using Shieldite® EMF Protectors and a Iyashi® Scalar Energy Products. This way you will get the full range of ways to protect against EMFs by preventing them and repairing your cells from the damage already created.
Step 2 - Reducing your EMF exposure
The next step to protecting yourself from EMFs is being aware which ones are the most harmful and staying out of their range. You can learn about these in the section "electromagnetic fields". These can be as simple as;
- Not using a laptop on your lap.
- Not standing directly next to kitchen appliances
- Don't use a microwave or if you do stand at least 10 feet away when it is in use.(microwaves do leak even with the protective cover)
- Stand away from any kitchen appliances you use.
- If you have a speaker system keep the subwoofer as far away as possible.
- Check where your circuit breakers in the house are and make sure no one sleeps directly next to them.
- Don't hold hair dryers close to your head.
- Stay away from overhead power lines.
- Try to use a hardwire internet rather than wireless.
- Use less wireless devices or 3G on phones.
- Use speaker phone on cell phones rather than holding them directly next to your head.
- Keep alarm clocks several feet away from you when you sleep along with cell phones.
This list could go on indefinitely but it gives you a small sample of ways to reduce your EMF exposure. You can reference our "EMF page" to learn about the EMF strength difference electronics give off.
How Shieldite® EMF Protectors Works
Shieldite® EMF Protectors work in two very unique ways to combat the negative effects of EMFs.
- Transmute harmful high frequency EMFs to resonate at the natural Schumann frequency.
- Absorb positive ions which electronics generate as a byproduct removing them from our environment.
Shieldite® EMF Protectors are the only EMF protection device that has this dual effect essentially acting as a black hole for the negative effects EMFs create.
Transmuting EMF’s
There are 2 types of magnetic fields, natural magnetic fields and artificial electromagnetic fields which we refer to EMFs that are harmful to the human body. The Earth and our human bodies produce their own low level magnetic field (7-10Hz), which by no coincidence is about the same frequency as the earth referred to as the Schumann resonance at 7.83Hz. New scientific research is even suggesting that each cell in our bodies has its own magnetic field which regulates the cell normal functions. Artificial electromagnetic fields are produced by every electronic device, typically which run at 50-60hz for most electronics and can be thousands of times stronger in the case of radio and microwave frequencies.
When these high frequencies expose themselves to our cells they disrupt their natural magnetic field causing the cell to degenerate and malfunction. As our human bodies are designed to align with the earth's natural magnetic field Shieldite® EMF Protectors transmutes the electromagnetic fields created by electronics to the same frequency as the earth's magnetic field rending them harmless. It will not stop the EMFs rendering your electronics useless but just changes the resonance of their electromagnetic field to a compatible wave length for our bodies.

The earth's magnetic field is not a constant and ranges through different levels of intensity and frequency as you can see in the diagram. Shieldite® EMF Protectors are naturally calibrated to the Schumann frequency balancing all harmful EMFs.
Absorbing Positive Ions
Another negative byproduct of electronic devices is positive ions. Despite the name “positive ions” are not beneficial for us; they are in fact the counterpart to “negative ions” which are the natural anti-oxidants of the air. When we have multiple electronic devices in our homes or office high concentrations of positive ion are generated. These positive ions are part of the reason why EMF’s have the negative effects we experience. With no place to escape they just keep accumulating to higher and higher concentrations. This is why some of the highest positive ion readings are found in office buildings.
When we leave Shieldite® EMF Protectors in a room with a high concentration of positive ions Shieldite® EMF Protectors act as a magnet absorbing these positive ions leaving only a surplus of the beneficial negative ions. When Shieldite® EMF Protectors are grounded these absorbed positive ions are then discharged into the earth. This is why Shieldite® EMF Protection stones are most effective when placed near electronics, ideally having Shieldite® EMF Protectors grounded at the same time so it is constantly discharging improving its performance.

Danger of EMF's - Electromagnetic Fields
All electrical appliances produce electromagnetic fields which are damaging to our health. Typical electric appliances run at 50-60hz which is significantly higher than the earth's and our bodies magnetic fields which range between 7-10hz. When EMFs come within proximity to our bodies they cause damage to the cells by disturbing their magnetic field. The stronger the magnetic field and the higher the frequency the more damage will occur. Higher frequency waves start occurring in Cell phone transmissions, radio waves, microwaves, wi-fi and other similar devices like smart meters which are much more dangerous than regular electronics.
Measuring EMFs
We can measure EMFs in units called gauss, studies have shown that anything above 3 milli gauss will start to have negative physiological effects on the human body. Also the gauss readings get exponentially higher the closer you get. For example if you have a reading of 4 milli gauss at 2 feet away you will have a reading of 16 milli gauss at 1 foot away and a reading of 256 milli gauss at 6 inches away. Below we have prepared a table of common household items and rated them on a scale of 1-5 on how powerful and dangerous the electromagnetic field the device creates. Since at 3 mill gauss damage starts to occur on our body we grouped the devices by how close you have to be to have 3 milli gauss or higher exposure. Remember that Shieldite® EMF Protectors transmutes the EMFs to a harmless form and does not stop then so you will still get a reading on your gauss meter as the gauss meter measures the intensity of the EMF and not the frequency.

When the body is exposed to EMFs like in the picture above the electrical field of the body is disrupted causing our cells to function incorrectly.
Group 5 (worst) 3 + feet
Microwave ovens
Microwave towers
Smart hydro meters
Electric Water Ionizer
sub-woofer |
Group 4 - 1-3 feet
Wireless routers
Electric blankets
Cell phones
Other Electric water ionizer
Laptop computers
Cordless phone
Clothes dryers
circuit breakers
florescent lights. |
Group 3 - up to 1 foot
Baby monitors
Electric clock radios
Desktop computers
LCD or LED Tvs
Electric heaters
Hot water tanks
Other corded electric appliances |
Group 2 - a couple inches
Toaster oven
Other hand held electric appliances
small battery operated devices
computer screen |
Group 1 - direct contact or < 3 milligauss
Electric outlets - not plugged in
Battery operated watch
computer mice and keyboards |
How Do EMFs Impact Our Body.
The first thing to understand is our bodies have their own magnetic fields. Our bodies conduct electricity through neurons and muscles, sending small electrical impulses to the brain, the heart also generates these electric signals to keep it beating. New studies are even showing that each individual cell has its own magnetic field which builds up on our entire framework. When we measure a healthy body we will find the magnetic field has a frequency of about 7-10hz. What is interesting is when the earth's magnetic field was measured in the 1950s it frequency was recorded at 7.83hz and has been changing slightly over time. You can see that our bodies and the earth's magnetic field operate at the same frequency along with all other living things on this earth.

In North America all electronics operate at 60hz and in Europe they operate at 50hz. These frequencies are severely incompatible with our bodies so when we enter their magnetic fields they disrupt our own. Our own bodies magnetic field is at a very low level and therefore can be disrupted relatively easily. Studies have shown when we come in contact with stronger EMFs they disrupt each of our bodies cells magnetic fields and increase the bodies voltage. When your cells magnetic fields are altered by strong EMFs they cannot function correctly. This is similar to trying to use a TV designed for European outlet being used in a North American outlet, since the circuits are not designed to run at the same power or frequency ( 50hz compared to 60z) the TV will eventually overheat and burn out. This is the same case with our cells, they are designed to operate with a magnetic field of 7-10hz but when influenced by EMFs their magnetic frequency rises and they start operating at a frequency they are not capable of handling. This can cause immediate symptoms in some people of pain, burning skin, headaches, blurred vision, and making your skin crawl. If it is just a short period of time the body will re-balance its magnetic field and start functioning correctly. The problem occurs with too much exposure or at too high a level of EMFs where the cells get so disrupted they cannot re-balance their magnetic field and continue functioning incorrectly. This is when serious and chronic conditions and disease can start occurring in the body. We are now seeing cancer and tumors being linked to EMF exposure as both these disease are the cause of cells growing incorrectly and uncontrollably.
Microwave Radiation Dangers In Your Home
Dangers of Exposure To Wi Fi and Baby Monitors
Cell Phones and Brain Cancer The Interphone Study
Multiple Sclerosis Dirty Electricity
WiFi in Schools is Safe True or False?
Comparing The Different Ways To Protect Against EMFs
You have probably seen dozens of different types of devices claiming to protect against EMFs in different ways. This is because there are 4 major different ways to counteract EMFs each working in a different way.
Type 1 ( most effective ) transmuting - These devices like Shieldite® EMF Protectors transmute the EMFs to a harmless state so they cannot damage your body in the first place. This is by far the most effective method as it stops EMFs from negatively affecting you in the first place. They operate much like voltage or frequency converters for electronics that step up or down the levels.
Type 2 - Negative ions products - Products with strong enough negative ionic output can help repair the cellular damage that EMFs cause to the body. As your body is affected by the EMFs they will repair the damage dampening the damage. Your need a strong negative ionic output in the 4000s or higher like our iyashi® Scalar Energy Bracelets or Scalar Energy Pendants to start receiving these effects. This is an "after the fact" way of protecting against EMFs as you are repairing the damage after it has already occurred.
Type 3 - Strengthening Biofield - Natural crystals or products infused with BFIT have frequencies which strengthen and align the bodies energetic fields. This helps the body naturally heal itself. Again the damage has already occurred in your body and this only focuses on improving the body’s natural healing response.
Type 4 - Grounding - Grounding does not protect at all against EMFs but like Shieldite® EMF Protectors which need to be discharged from a buildup of EMFs so does your body. Grounding can be as simple as walking barefoot on grass/ dirt or touching anything that is grounded. It is important to understand as you do need to ground your Shieldite® EMF Protectors regularly!
Of course the best combination is to use all these ways to combat EMF s together to receive the best results. This is as simple as using Shieldite® EMF Protectors ( type 1 ) with an Iyashi® Scalar Energy Bracelet or Scalar Energy Pendants ( type 2 and 3) and then grounding your Shieldite® EMF Protector daily ( type 4 ).
Comparing EMFs Transmuting Products
Shieldite® EMF Protectors are the best solution for transmuting EMFs because it is always calibrated to the magnetic field of the earth. As we explained in the Technology and Research the earth's frequency is always changing. Older products such as an EMF protection system that plugs into your outlets or USB drives have become less effective as they are set to transmute the EMFs to one frequency. Because they are man made they cannot calibrate to the changing magnetic field of the earth making them less effective. A lot of these also attract EMFs but do not properly store and discharge them creating EMF leakage hotspots that can be more dangerous than the EMF themselves.
Shieldite® EMF Protectors are the final solution for EMF transmuting as it transmutes the EMFs to the current magnetic field of the earth providing you 100% protection. Through its unique molecular structure and BFIT infusion it safely stores the left over charge from the EMFs until you decide to safely discharge it through grounding.

Comparing Negative Ionic Products
Other than Shieldite® EMF Protectors the majority of Iyashi® products including the Iyashi® Scalar Energy Bracelets, Scalar Energy Pendants, Zero Point Energy Wand, and Chakra Stone have strong negative ionic outputs over 4500+ to repair your body against the EMF damage. The key to this type of protection is simply having a strong negative ionic output. Many products just use ionic powder which can be strong initially but decreases in effectiveness very quickly, as commonly seen in silicon negative ion bracelets. Iyashi® products are made of solid bio-ceramics which emit strong negative ions for a lifetime. As a double benefit all these Iyashi® products also incorporate infusion technology to strengthen your biofield.
Comparing Strengthening Biofield Products
The most basic form of these products are natural crystals which have specific vibrations or frequencies which align your energetic fields. Crystal healing has been used for thousands of years and has been proven very effective as specific crystals run at certain frequencies aligning different parts of your energetic field. Popular EMF protection pendants sometimes only use rose quartz and sell for upwards of $300 while you can buy the same rose quartz for only $15 elsewhere. Iyashi® products are infused with thousands of these different healing frequencies so rather than just getting one which you would find in a natural crystal you receive thousands which will align your entire biofield rather than just a portion of it,.
Grounding Comparison
Grounding is the simplest thing to do and should not cost you any money as there is no need to be grounded 24/7 if you are wearing Shieldite® EMF Protection Pendant. The simplest way to ground is to stand on grass or dirt barefoot outside. Your house is connected to a grounding rod which if you have copper pipes will mean all your metal faucets are grounding, you can simple touch them and you will ground yourself. Also any metal electric appliances which are plugged in will also be grounded, any of their exposed metal will ground you or your Shieldite® EMF Protectors if touched. All these solutions can actually work better than grounding mats. Grounding mats use copper thread which provides some grounding but are usually not the most effective solution. If you are looking at an easy way to ground your Shieldite® EMF Protectors we do offer grounding plugs which can be used to keep Shieldite® EMF Protectors grounded and constantly discharging 24/7.

Do Grounding Tests Show You Are Protected From EMFs
There a lot of videos and grounding products that use a volt meter to show when using their grounding mat the reading drops to zero meaning you are protected from EMFs. This is done by sticking one of the prongs in the ground plug and then holding the other, which will give you a reading of up to a few volts. When you touch the grounding mat your voltage drops down to 0. Remember your body conducts electricity and what the meter is measuring is the difference in voltage between the ground plug ( 0 volts ) and you ( up to a few volts ). When you touch the ground the meter is now using you as a conductor between the ground plug at ( 0 volts ) and the grounding mat ( 0 volts ) which is also plugged into the ground plug, the difference is obviously 0 and that is why the reading drops. Your bodies voltage has not dropped but simply rather than testing your voltage will bypass you and use your skin to act a conductor between the 2 ground sources. Basically this does not mean you are protected from EMFs nor does it drop your body voltage as our bodies are naturally electrical and need this voltage to stay alive.
Iyashi™ EMF Protectors FAQ
Q: What is the difference between Iyashi Scalar Energy and Shieldite EMF Protection stones?
A: Both work in different ways to protect you from EMFs. Iyashi Scalar Energy products boost your bio-field making you more resilient to EMF and repairing any energetic imbalances the EMF’s have created. Shieldite EMF Protection Stones help prevent the EMF’s from harming you in the first place. We have found using both together provide the strongest type of EMF Protection. Visit on Learn section to learn how different types of EMF Protection work.
Q: How Will Shieldite® EMF Protectors Protect Me From EMF's?
A: Shieldite® EMF Protectors actually absorbs transverse EMF energies and thus fills up. They needs to be discharged ever so often by grounding them, view our grounding guide for more information. There is a mechanism that is not fully understood by scientists whereby Shieldite® EMF Protectors actually muddles the transverse EMF's ability to be absorbed into the human energy field, almost negating them. The transverse EMF’s are transmuted and are rendered harmless.
Q: Are All EMF's Harmful?
A: Most EMF’s produced by electronic devices are harmful. There are safe type’s such as produced by PEMF Therapy (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy) which pulses very low frequency magnetic fields. The frequency of good PEMF’s are typically well below the frequency found in electronics. If you are interested in learning more about PEMF Therapy check out Healthy Wave PEMF Mats.
Q: How Often Do Shieldite® EMF Protectors Need To Be Grounded?
A: Small pieces such as pendants as cell phone protectors need to be grounded daily while larger pieces can be grounded every several days. Pyramids, cubes and bricks can be left permanently grounded by using our grounding plug or leaving them connected to another ground source. This will leave them constantly discharging/ clearing out negative energies while providing constant 24/7 EMF protection. We recommend leaving the larger pieces grounded with a grounding plug to keep constant EMF protection.
Type |
Grounding Frequency |
Grounding Time |
Pendant |
24 hours |
15 mins |
Cell Phone Protector |
24 hours |
15 mins |
Small Pyramid or cube |
48 hours |
30 minutes |
Large Pyramid or cube |
72 hours |
45 minutes |
Brick |
1 week |
1 hour |
Loose stones |
24 hours |
15 mins |
Q: What Happens If I froget to Ground My Shieldite® EMF Protection Stones?
A: If you forget to ground your Shieldite® EMF Protection stones and it “fills up” it will simply stop working until you ground it again.
Q: Can I Wear Shieldite® EMF Protection Pendant At All Times?
A: It is a good idea to wear the Shieldite® EMF Protection Pendant during your waking hours. At night you can leave it on your night stand to receive the protection from it.
Q: Can There Be Any Side Effects From Wearing an Shieldite® EMF Protector Or Having It In My Room?
A: The only side effects are the sense of well-being and relief, knowing you are protected from harmful electromagnetic radiation.
Q: How Much Area Do Shieldite® EMF Protectors Protect?
A: The basic Shieldite® EMF Protection pendants protect the single person wearing them. Larger pyramids and other shapes can protect a much larger area. Generally you want to place larger Iyashi® EMF Protection stones near the devices which produce the strongest EMFs. Please refer to the product pages for a better idea of the protection each provides. Please check out our guide on How Many Iyashi® EMF Protection Stones Do You Need? for more details.
Q: Where Do I Need To Put The Pieces Of Shieldite® EMF Protection Stones To Protect Myself?
A: Put them next to or on top of any electric appliance you have in your home. Also place the Shieldite adjacent to such things as computers so the Iyashi® EMF Protection stones are near your working area.
Q: What about the other crystals out there that claim to have EMF protection?
A: Various crystals can have properties which can strengthen the human Bio-Field. Even though this can be a positive effect this does not provide direct EMF protection. It is the Iyashi® EMF Protection Stones which has the strong properties to transmute the harmful EMF’s and provides direct EMF protection. Some other minerals/crystals out there claim to be the same (copy cats) as Shieldite® EMF Protectors but this isn’t true and at best the other crystals could have some properties that strengthen the human Bio-Field. The confusion can also happen just because another mineral/crystal looks black then it can be mistaken by people that these other things are the same as Shieldite. There are many dark minerals/crystals but all the properties are different. To learn more please check out our information on EMF Protection.