All Testimonials

Iyashi Wand Review

 Last month I attended a youth bible class. I was standing in the back with one of the adult leaders, Deanne…I noticed she had a cut on her finger that was significantly bothering her. She shared she had accidentally cut it with a razor. The cut was purple and looked slightly infected. I asked her what her pain level was from 1-10, ten being call 911. She immediately replied a 7. I reached for my bag to get my Iyashi wand, I always start by wanding the chakras 3 times…then I proceeded to wand her finger within seconds we both saw the injury turn from blue to pink!! She was amazed in another few seconds the pain had diminished and she was no longer bothered by the throbbing injured finger!! Two weeks ago I was working at guest services at my church. I was talking to the secretary and she had mentioned one of the men who was scheduled to go into El Salvador on a mission trip Dan, had torn his meniscus in his right knee. He wasn’t sure he could attend the trip. I called him right then and shared with him about the Iyashi wand. I told him I would go to his home and wand him, he was actually on his way to church. When he arrived I met with him and his wife in our prayer room. They were both very skeptical and had this look on their faces like how could this wand help this injury??? Dan was experiencing a 7 pain level with the injury. I proceeded to wand the chakras 3 times, then wand his knee for about two minutes. I asked him to open his eyes and give me feedback. he couldn’t say anything, his wife asked him if he noticed a difference…he was astonished at the knee pain, gone. He tried to bend the knee and was surprised there was no pain while bending. After service I noticed he was a little stiff so I gave him the wand to wand himself while I retrieved my car. Upon returning he was again amazed at the difference in his knee after another wanding.

Testimonial By: Mya Wright

Iyashi Wand Review

 I purchased an Iyashi Wand from you last year and am very happy with it

Testimonial By: Anna S

Iyashi Wand Review

 Thank you so much for this wonderful information. The book is full of great information, both new and reaffirming and such an easy read. I have been using the wand now for about 2 weeks. While on holidays last week I strained my back and used the wand several times prior to getting back home. Each day was a grateful improvement. Once back I went to my chiropractor who has assisted me previously with back pain and for the severity of the strain, it took 75% less treatments to get my back to feeling good again. I also have been using the wand generally on acupressure points and noticing improvements in my digestion. It just feels good to use it. I have also been using the wand on my husband who has chronic discomfort in his ankle due to repetitive sports injuries and he has noticed a reduction in the swelling. I also appreciate the most recent offer posted (which I have ordered) on the upcoming release of the book.

Testimonial By: Beverley Blades

Iyashi Wand Review

 I received the wand today. I have an Amega wand and I felt more energy from yours.

Testimonial By: Barb

Iyashi Wand Review

 Before I got my wand & started using it on my thymus gland I had to ware gloves to protect my hands from defer int chemicals in plastic like when ever I would blow the yard with blower, ONE WEEK after using the wand without thinking about it I USED THE BLOWER WITHOUT GLOVES & my hands did not swell up like they always do, prays God!

Testimonial By: Joel Quinn Antinazi