All Testimonials

Iyashi Bracelet Review

 When I bought the bracelet I could feel bracelet in my hand even before I put it on, it was super strong.

Testimonial By: Randy T

Iyashi Bracelet Review

 I used to be a pretty active person. I played hockey on the weekends, had no problems getting up in the morning, and had fun staying up late all the time no problem. In the past few years, things have gotten increasingly difficult to do. I quit my amateur hockey league team, I stopped going out as much, and getting up in the morning became an ordeal. Since I've gotten this bracelet, I've noticed things improving. I've had it for about five weeks now and I feel pretty good about writing this review. I noticed a change immediately, and every week things have gotten even better. I'm actually feeling so great that I've signed up for a week-long hiking course with my family for this summer, and I've had the energy to start exercising and getting back into that hockey-ready shape that I used to be in. Anyway, this is my way of saying thanks to Iyashi for making the bracelet. I've got to say that I am really happy with it.

Testimonial By: Paul Losvik

Iyashi Bracelet Review

 Have just received my blue iyashi bracelet. It is beautiful.

Testimonial By: Margaret M.

Iyashi EMF Protection & Iyashi Bracelet

I just wanted to say thank-you so much for your amazing products. I just received the Iyashi EMF protection rocks and my Iyashi bracelet 2 days ago and can already feel a difference happening.

Testimonial By: Jake

Iyashi EMF Protection & Iyashi Bracelet & Iyashi Pendant

I already have other products from iit health (Iyashi EMF Protection Stones, Iyashi pendent, 2 Iyashi bracelets and Itsu Sync) and so far, I've very impressed with the benefits in using them all! The main health issue I've been trying to get rid of is my anxiety. This has been in issue lingering with me for over a decade but it wasn't really all that bad until about three years ago (2016) when my workplace suddenly started to get super stressful and I had vertigo hit me pretty hard. The vertigo let up later in 2016, but the stress levels from my (now former) workplace only got much worse as 2017 and 2018 went on. Eventhough I left that place back in March 2018, my anxiety persisted. All the iit health products I'm currently using now have helped to slow it down considerably; in fact, I didn't even know about you guys until May 2018 when I was researching why my anxiety was still super high, and that's when I found the Iyashi products.
I have to say something here, I don't think my interview I had back in July (2018) for the workplace I'm currently working at now would have been successful if I hadn't used the Iyashi EMF protection pendant and Iyashi scalar energy pendent and bracelets, and listening to Itsu Sync! I had an interview for a job in May (2018), before I really started to use the products, and for the first 10 minutes of the interview, I really couldn't control my very much noticeable anxiety I had while in that conference room... However, for the interview I had in July 2018, I had NO anxiety AT ALL that showed!!! Simply amazing work you and your staff have made here and I cannot thank you all enough for helping other people out in getting their lives back to normal and healthy!

Testimonial By: Evan Mitchell