All Testimonials

Cerra Water Review

 I was so frustrated with my yo- yo weight gain despite marathon running and watching my diet. My closet was full of small, medium and large cloths. Since drinking the alkaline anti-oxidant water I only have size "small" in my closet. There is such peaceful happiness that has come about with getting my body into balance. Yes.. I look and feel a lot younger.

Testimonial By: Maggie W.

Cerra Water Review

 My energy levels have definitely gone up since drinking the Cerra Water - way beyond what I would have thought possible - with the result that I'm able to do the regular exercise that I'd been wanting to do for years. This Cerra Water has kick-started a upward cycle of health. Drinking this water is one of the easiest things I have every done towards getting fit.

Testimonial By: Debbie K

Cerra Water Review

 If it were possible to supplement you way to heath I would have been perfect by now. After spending a fortune on supplements over the years my friend. Mary, suggested that I get back to basics and look at the water that I am drinking. I did a ton of research and found the Cerra water on the website. For less than $200 this ii the best investment I have ever made. Not only has my skin cleared up but my IBS which has plagued me for years is about 80% better. I can finally enjoy eating without being scared of gut pain. .

Testimonial By: Jane Nam

Cerra Water Review

 "I am 98% PAIN FREE for the first time in I don't know how many years. I walked around yesterday feeling better than I have in such a long time. I am ""gobsmacked"" with this Cerra water. ....While I was taking notes yesterday I kept writing down people/businesses/professionals that I thought would be keen on this water....does that mean I'm further hooked?!!"

Testimonial By: Rebecca Kool

Cerra Water Review

 I have had athletes foot and since drinking the Cerra water I don't need to put medicine on my feet anymore. I guess now that my body is alkaline its been s clearing up my feet..

Testimonial By: Don H